Transumbilical Single-Incision Laparoscopic Wedge Resection for Gastric Submucosal Tumors: Technical Challenges Encountered in Initial Experience

  • 투고 : 2012.06.03
  • 심사 : 2012.07.25
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


Purpose: To report the initial clinical experience with single-incision laparoscopic gastric wedge resection for submucosal tumors. Materials and Methods: The medical records of 10 patients who underwent single-incision laparoscopic gastric wedge resection between July 2009 and March 2011 were reviewed retrospectively. The demographic data, clinicopathologic and surgical outcomes were assessed. Results: The mean tumor size was 2.5 cm (range, 1.2~5.0 cm), and the tumors were mostly located on the anterior wall (4/10) or along the greater curvature (4/10), of the stomach. Nine of ten procedures were performed successfully, without the use of additional trocars, or conversion to laparotomy. One patient underwent conversion to multiport laparoscopic surgery, to get simultaneous cholecystectomy safely. The mean operating time was 66.5 minutes (range, 24~132 minutes), and the mean postoperative hospital stay was 5 days (range, 4~7 days). No serious perioperative complications were observed. Of the 10 submucosal tumors, the final pathologic report revealed 5 gastrointestinal stromal tumors, 4 schwannomas, and 1 heterotopic pancreas. Conclusions: Single-incision laparoscopic gastric wedge resection for gastric submucosal tumors is feasible and safe, when performed by experienced laparoscopic surgeons. This technique provides favorable cosmetic results, and also short hospital stay and low morbidity, in carefully selected candidates.



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