Effects of Dietary Nutrient on the Biological Index and Serum Chemistry of Juvenile Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Achieving Compensatory Growth

  • Cho, Sung-Hwoan (Division of Marine Environment and BioScience, College of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea Maritime University)
  • 투고 : 2011.10.27
  • 심사 : 2012.02.17
  • 발행 : 2012.03.30


Effects of dietary nutrient content on the biological index and serum chemistry of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus achieving compensatory growth were investigated. Six treatments were prepared in triplicate. Fish were hand-fed with the control (C) diet twice daily for 8 weeks (8W-C) or fish were starved for 2 weeks and then hand-fed with the C, high protein (HP), high carbohydrate (HC), high lipid (HL), or intermediate protein, carbohydrate and lipid (IPCL) diets for 6 weeks, referred to as 6W-C, 6W-HP, 6W-HC, 6W-HL, and 6W-IPCL, respectively. Weight gain of fish in the 8W-C, 6W-HP, and 6W-IPCL treatments was higher than that of fish in the 6W-C treatment. Condition factor (CF) of the fish in the 6W-HP, 6W-HC and 6W-IPCL treatments was higher than that of fish in the 8W-C and 6W-C treatments. The hepatosomatic index (HSI) of fish in the 6W-HC, 6W-HL and 6W-IPCL treatments was higher than that of the fish in the 8W-C, 6W-C and 6W-HP treatments. Serum chemistry except triiodothyronine ($T_3$) was not significantly different among the treatments. In conclusion, CF and HSI of the fish could be indices reflecting compensatory growth, whereas $T_3$ seemed to play a partial role in achieving compensatory growth.



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