Clinical and scanning electron microscopic analysis of fractured dental implants: a retrospective clinical analysis

  • 투고 : 2012.05.24
  • 심사 : 2012.07.27
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


Many longitudinal studies have reported the successful osseointegration of dental implants, with survival rates approaching 90-95%. However, implants regarded as a "success" may have also failed to undergo osseointegration. A variety of complications and failures have been observed, including implant fracture - a rare and delayed biomechanical complication with serious clinical outcomes. Given the increasing popularity of dental implants, an increase in the number of failures due to late fractures is expected. This study sought to determine the rate of implant fractures and factors associated with its development. This retrospective evaluation analyzed implants placed at Wonkwang Dental Hospital (from 1996 to the present). In our study we found that the frequency of dental implant fractures was very low (0.23%, 8 implant fractures out of 3,500 implants placed). All observed fractures were associated with hybrid-surface threaded implants (with diameter of 4.0 or 3.75 mm). Prosthetic or abutment screw loosening preceded implant fracture in a majority of these cases.



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