Characteristics of (Sr1-xBax)NdFe3+1-τFe4+τO4-y System Heat-treated in Air

  • Received : 2011.09.16
  • Accepted : 2012.01.09
  • Published : 2012.02.25


To study the physical and chemical properties, solid solutions of $(Sr_{1-x}Ba_x)NdFe{^{3+}}_{1-\tau}Fe{^{4+}}_{\tau}O_{4-y}$ system with x=0.0(SBN-0), 0.1(SBN-1), 0.2(SBN-2) and 0.3(SBN-3) were synthesized in air at 1,473 K and annealed in air at 1,073 K for 24 h. X-ray powder diffraction assured that the four samples had tetragonal symmetries (I4/mmm). Their lattice volumes increased gradually with x values. Nonstoichiometric chemical formulas were formulated using the data such as $\tau$(amount of $Fe^{4+}$ ion) and y(oxygen deficiency) values using Mohr salt analysis. It was found out that all the four samples had excessive oxygen (4-y>4.0). All the samples started to lose some of their oxygen at around 613K(TG/DTA thermal analysis). They exhibited semiconductivities in the temperature range of around 283-1173K. All the four specimens had sufficient tensile strength to endure the force of 19.6 N (2 kg of weights) and the conductivity values of the ECIAs which were painted on pieces of glass with the area of $150mm^2$ ($10mm{\times}15mm$) and it was in the order of ECIA-0${\rightarrow}$ECIA-1${\rightarrow}$ECIA-2${\rightarrow}$ECIA-3 at a constant temperature.



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