A Study on the Spatial Tones in Contemporary Architecture in Portugal - Focused on the analysis of architectural Everyday-ness -

현대 포르투갈 건축의 공간적 톤에 관한 연구 - 일상성의 건축적 해석을 중심으로 -

  • 이길호 (가천대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 이정욱 (가천대학교 실내건축학과)
  • Received : 2012.10.31
  • Accepted : 2012.12.10
  • Published : 2012.12.31


Modern architecture tends to split the everyday life and the space of human. Position of architecture should be on the relationship between nature and human need. It will be study on the everyday life of architecture from architecture and everyday life of human relationships. Based on this study, it makes clear the visual aspects of architectural experience to acquire spatial tones for analyzing architectural Everyday-ness. In this case, Portugal's modern architectural space was impressing, because of the construction of local color and architectural vocabulary of the Everyday-ness. Therefore, the Everyday-ness of Architecture by relationship analysis reveals the space of these spatial tones. Spatial characteristics of the Everyday-ness of architecture be analyzed of simplicity, purity, locality, reminiscent, continuity, and transition, etc. Expression elements of spatial tones can be derived into five classes such as light, color, material, pattern (texture), and depth. In conclusion, spatial characteristics of the Everyday-ness and expression elements of spatial tones consist of configuration matrixes to analyze the spatial tones of the contemporary architecture in Portugal. As a result of this study, the expression characteristics of spatial tones of contemporary architecture in Portugal are background-ness, one-ness, and inherence. I hope this study will be applied to the basic data of the architectural Everyday-ness.



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