A Preliminary Study on Public Convergent Space optimized for the Digital Convergence Era

디지털 컨버전스에 최적화된 공적융합공간 개발 시론

  • 김동섭 (서울예술대학교 실내디자인과)
  • Received : 2012.09.28
  • Accepted : 2012.12.10
  • Published : 2012.12.31


In the Digital Convergence era, the center of social networking is moving into on-line space. This means also that space for public is moving into the on-line space. Along with this, spaces in commercial area, offered as attraction factors, are taking a role as a public space. So, this paper defines these spaces mentioned above as public space and the like. Liberal and affluent communication of Digital Convergence has caused in new spatial cognitions such like, constant social space, flowing space, temporary space, and multiple space. This means the hybridization of on-line and off-line space and the advent of public convergent space. However, it is on-line-centered convergence and has positive effects and negative effects on relationship. This paper suggests the optimization of public convergent space to solve the problems and make better a public space for relationship. For achieving this, social disclosure is grasped as the common way to start relationship both off-line and on-line, and it is proved that social disclosure has three characters such as self-presentation, corporeality, and subjectivity. Subsequently, the differences of the roles of off-line and on-line space are separated by each individual character. These are self-presentation of performance vs. storytelling, corporeality of embodiment vs. disembodiment, and self-subjectivity vs. inter-subjectivity. By recognizing that there are multilevel spectrums between the formers and the latters, this paper presents the direction of the spatial configuration of public convergent space which offers the right of manipulation of self-disclosure. It will be used for presenting the prototype of public convergent space.



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