A Study on Non-representation Approach Indicated in Paintings and Architecture - Focus on Francis Bacon's paintings and SANAA's Architectural projects -

회화와 건축에서 나타나는 비재현적 접근방법에 관한 연구 - 프란시스 베이컨의 회화와 SANAA의 건축 프로젝트를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2012.08.31
  • Accepted : 2012.10.12
  • Published : 2012.10.31


Gilles Deleuze is a philosopher who replaces the world of representation defined as supremacy of identity with the contemporary reason of non-representation in the history of western philosophy that wants to transcend Plato. Deleuze developed his own philosophical concept through philosophical reason and encounter with arts, for which reason he exerted a great influence on artists and architects in diverse fields. Particularly, 'Logic of Sensation' published in 1981 considers the non-representation painting approach through Francis Bacon's painting theory defined as 'invisible force's visibility'. And it is considered that SANAA's architecture among many contemporary architects accepted the essence of Deleuze's philosophy and continuously reflects it on projects. Hence, objective of the present study is to consider how the non-representation constituting a root for Deleuze's reason has been indicated in paintings and architecture through examining the works by Bacon and SANAA. First, a theoretical consideration will be directed to non-representation, followed by an analysis of Bacon's painting works and SANAA's architecture projects from the viewpoints of the force of isolation, the force of transformation, the force of dissipation and the force of time dealt with by Deleuze in 'Logic of Sensation'. Finally, through such analysis, the characteristics of Deleuze's non-representation indicated in architecture and paintings will be derived.



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