First Records of Two Spirostomum Ciliates (Heterotrichea: Heterotrichida: Spirostomidae) from Korea

  • Received : 2011.09.26
  • Accepted : 2011.12.23
  • Published : 2012.01.31


Two Spirostomum species collected from freshwater in Korea were identified as S. caudatum (Muller, 1786) and S. teres (Claparede and Lachmann, 1858). They are recorded for the first time in Korea. The description was based on the observation of living specimens and protargol impregnated specimens. Diagnostics of these species are as follows. Spirostomum caudatum: body size $400-450{\times}20-30\;{\mu}m$ in vivo, shaped long and slender with a tapered posterior part, highly contractile; macronucleus ellipsoid; adoral zone of membranelles occupied 30% of body length; somatic kineties 14-22 in number. Spirostomum teres: body size $240-460{\times}25-40\;{\mu}m$ in vivo, shaped long and slender with a flattened posterior end, highly contractile; cortical granules arranged in 2-3 rows; adoral zone of membranelles occupied 50% of body length; somatic kineties 20-30 in number; macronucleus ellipsoid; micronuclei 2-3 in number. Spirostomum caudatum and S. teres are the most similar congeners, but they are different in the posterior part of body (tail-like posterior part vs. flattened posterior end), length of adoral zone of membranelles in body length (1/3 vs. 1/2), and the number of somatic kineties (14-22 vs. 20-30). These populations match with European populations in morphological characters.



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