Time Trends of Esophageal Cancer Mortality in Linzhou City During the Period 1988-2010 and a Bayesian Approach Projection for 2020

  • Liu, Shu-Zheng (Henan Cancer Research and Control Office, Henan Cancer Hospital) ;
  • Zhang, Fang (The Human Resource Department, the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of TCM) ;
  • Quan, Pei-Liang (Henan Cancer Research and Control Office, Henan Cancer Hospital) ;
  • Lu, Jian-Bang (Henan Cancer Research and Control Office, Henan Cancer Hospital) ;
  • Liu, Zhi-Cai (Linzhou Cancer Registry, Linzhou Cancer Hospital) ;
  • Sun, Xi-Bin (Henan Cancer Research and Control Office, Henan Cancer Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


In recent decades, decreasing trends in esophageal cancer mortality have been observed across China. We here describe esophageal cancer mortality trends in Linzhou city, a high-incidence region of esophageal cancer in China, during 1988-2010 and make a esophageal cancer mortality projection in the period 2011-2020 using a Bayesian approach. Age standardized mortality rates were estimated by direct standardization to the World population structure in 1985. A Bayesian age-period-cohort (BAPC) analysis was carried out in order to investigate the effect of the age, period and birth cohort on esophageal cancer mortality in Linzhou during 1988-2010 and to estimate future trends for the period 2011-2020. Age-adjusted rates for men and women decreased from 1988 to 2005 and changed little thereafter. Risk increased from 30 years of age until the very elderly. Period effects showed little variation in risk throughout 1988-2010. In contrast, a cohort effect showed risk decreased greatly in later cohorts. Forecasting, based on BAPC modeling, resulted in a increasing burden of mortality and a decreasing age standardized mortality rate of esophageal cancer in Linzhou city. The decrease of esophageal cancer mortality risk since the 1930 cohort could be attributable to the improvements of socialeconomic environment and lifestyle. The standardized mortality rates of esophageal cancer should decrease continually. The effect of aging on the population could explain the increase in esophageal mortality projected for 2020.



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