간호대학생에서 자동화 무선 수면추적기와 주관적 수면도구를 이용한 수면측정

Measurement of nursing students' sleep using by an automated wireless sleep tracker and subjective sleep scales

  • 투고 : 2012.10.02
  • 심사 : 2012.11.25
  • 발행 : 2012.11.30


Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate sleep patterns in nursing students as measured by an automated wireless sleep tracker and self-reported sleep scales. Methods: Data were collected from October, 2011 to May, 2012. ZQ (a symbolic number that measures the quality and quantity of sleep) was calculated from the automated wireless sleep tracker. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index-Korean version, Sleep scale A, and sleep satisfaction were used as self-report sleep scales. Female nursing college students (n=37) were recruited by convenience sampling. Before going to bed, they were asked to put on a head-band type sleeping sensor and to move it the next morning. Every student slept 2~4 nights with the sleep tracker. Data were collected for 86 (91.4%) of 94 nights' sleep. The students were also requested to fill in the PSQI-K, sleep scale A, and sleep satisfaction. Results: The only statistically significant correlation was between ZQ and sleep satisfaction (r=.869, p=.026). The biggest obstacle in using this device was putting on the head-band type sensor. Conclusion: Validity of the wireless sleep tracker was verified in part. The usefulness of this device in nursing research and practice was identified. Further evaluation need to be conducted with various populations.



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