SMDP-Based Optimization Model for Call Admission Control in an OFDMA Wireless Communication Systems

OFDMA 무선통신시스템의 호접속 제어를 위한 SMDP 기반 최적화모형

  • Paik, Chunhyun (Department of Industrial and Management, Dongeui University) ;
  • Chung, Yongjoo (Department of E-Business, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
  • 백천현 (동의대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 정용주 (부산외국어대학교 e-비즈니스)
  • Received : 2012.07.12
  • Accepted : 2012.08.02
  • Published : 2012.12.01


This study addresses the call admission control(CAC) problem for OFDMA wireless communication systems in which both subcarriers and power should be considered together as the system resources. To lessen the exccessive allocation of radio resources for protecting handoff calls, the proposed CAC allows the less data rate than their requirements to handoff calls. The CAC problem is formulated as a semi-Markov decision process(SMDP) with constraints on the blocking probabilities of handoff calls. Some extensive experiments are conducted to show the usefulness of the proposed CAC model.



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