Planning & Special Edition: Present Status and Globalization Development Suggestion of HanSik [Korean Meal]

기획특집: 한식(韓食)의 현주소와 세계화를 위한 제언

  • 이성갑 (호서대학교 식품생물공학과, 한국과학기술정보연구원, 한국기술사회, (사)한국식품기술사협회)
  • Received : 2011.06.05
  • Published : 2011.07.02


Every government rallies with the private sector to support its traditional cuisines. In Korea, the effort to globalize traditional dishes began with the governments official declaration of "Hansik Globalization" in 2008. Now the mission of globalizing hansik has emerged as one of the most valuable propositions in creating a new value-added rural economy, sharing growth with the tourism industry. The global food industry is reported to be bigger that of the information technology industry by 5.6 times and the automobile industry by 2.5 times as of 2008. And considering that hansik is almost unknown outside of Korea, the potential for growth is huge.
