A Case Study on Realization of ITSM Performance Applying the Change Management Framework of ITSM

ITSM 변화관리 체계 적용을 통한 ITSM 도입성과 향상에 관한 사례 연구

  • Received : 2011.04.14
  • Accepted : 2011.06.11
  • Published : 2011.09.30


Recently, interests in IT Service Management(ITSM) are increasing internationally as well as domestically. In order to realize the benefits from ITSM, it is necessary to institutionalize it as a culture of the organization through effective change management. One of the most promising approach of effective change management is the change management framework of ITSM. In this study, we analyze a success case in which the change management framework of ITSM was applied to IT Service company which has introduced ITSM. Through the analyses, this study aims to propose a feasible and specific approach to institutionalize ITSM. To accomplish the objective, the study is designed to analyze specific methods for applying ITSM's change management framework to ITSM organizations, performance of projects and future directions based on interviews and review of project documents/deliverables. This study could not provide detailed performance measures due to lack of previous research on this topic and difficulty of obtaining quantitative data. However, this study has contributed to proposing a direction to institutionalize ITSM in organizations by analyzing a feasibility of ITSM's change management framework in implementing ITSM.



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