『아담과 이브』: 소비에트 슈제트와 M.불가코프의 패러디

"Adam and Eve" - Soviet Plot and Parody of M.A. Bulgakov

  • 투고 : 2011.01.25
  • 심사 : 2011.03.10
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


This article is devoted to little-studied play of M.A. Bulgakov "Adam and Eve". By the end of 1920's - the beginning of 1930's soviet society is differentiated again, its construction is rebuilded. In the new condition drama is needed as much as possible. Drama on the stage is ideal model for instruction of "Mass". Thereupon soviet society asked "New Hero", "New play", which can rebuild soviet citizen in the new construction of government. Thereby the play of M.A. Bulgakov "Adam and Eve" is created by order of soviet society. In this play typical soviet people are represented: Adam Krasovsky(engineer), Daragan(pilot-terminator), Ponchik-Nepobeda(writer), Zahar Markizov(proletarian-baker). They are different from each other by their occupation and formation, but they have same consciousness and they think identically. Bulgakov makes stand such problems: impersonality and unfreedom of human being in the government of communism. Bulgakov, using Parody, doubt the possibility of realization of utopia of Soviet government. Bulgakov show to us that Adam Krasocsky is not real Adam-first human being. In the play we can see the real Adam is the scientist-intelligent Efrosimov. Bulgakov change the place of Ponchik with the place of Markizov. The idiot and the fool is recognized not Markisov-drinker, tyrant, but Ponchik-writer. After the disaster Markisov, reading a Bible, is changing and by the end of play he started writing his own novel. Indeed if Ponchik wrote hoked-up novel, Markisov writes a real own history. Request of Leningrad Theater for Bulgakov to write about the future war comes from the spirit of the time. But Bulgakov in this play "Adam and Eve" could insist that the "Life" is a supreme value.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 부산대학교