QoS Analysis of a Distributed System Considering the Processing Time

처리시간을 고려한 분산시스템의 서비스 품질분석

  • Kim, Jung-Ho (Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) ;
  • Park, Jong-Hun (Department of Business Adminstration, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • Received : 2011.08.28
  • Accepted : 2011.09.17
  • Published : 2011.09.30


In this paper, we introduce Quality of Service(QoS) analytic model of a distributed system that decentralizes the process nodes performing each task and communicates through a network for cooperation. The model advances a service reliability model of Dai et a1.(2003) by means of considering the processing time. The service is assumed to be provided by a centralized heterogeneous distributed system which is composed of some subsystems managed by a control center. The QoS is defined as the probability that a service is provided successfully in an allowed time, we consider the hardware/software reliability and the processing time which include program execution time, data transfer time. We derive the processing time distribution for a required service through convolution of corresponding probability density function. An application example is used to explain the procedure of computing quality of service.



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