Enhanced Anti-Collision Protocol for Identification Systems: Binary Slotted Query Tree Algorithm

  • Received : 2010.12.29
  • Accepted : 2011.08.18
  • Published : 2011.09.30


An anti-collision protocol which tries to minimize the collision probability and identification time is the most important factor in all identification technologies. This paper focuses on methods to improve the efficiency of tag's process in identification systems. Our scheme, Binary Slotted Query Tree (BSQT) algorithm, is a memoryless protocol that identifies an object's ID more efficiently by removing the unnecessary prefixes of the traditional Query Tree (QT) algorithm. With enhanced QT algorithm, the reader will broadcast 1 bit and wait the response from the tags but the difference in this scheme is the reader will listen in 2 slots (slot 1 is for 0 bit Tags and slot 2 is for 1 bit Tags). Base on the responses the reader will decide next broadcasted bit. This will help for the reader to remove some unnecessary broadcasted bits which no tags will response. Numerical and simulation results show that the proposed scheme decreases the tag identification time by reducing the overall number of request.



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