생약재 추출물로부터 분리한 ${\alpha}$-Glucosidase 저해활성물질 탐색

${\alpha}$-Glucosidase Inhibitory Substances Exploration Isolated from the Herb Extract

  • 최길용 (대구미래대학교 제과데코레이션과) ;
  • 한갑조 (위덕대학교 외식산업학부) ;
  • 하상철 (대구미래대학교 제과데코레이션과)
  • Choi, Gil-Yong (Department of Confectionary and Decoration, Daegu Mire College) ;
  • Han, Gab-Jo (Division of Food Service Industry, Uiduk University) ;
  • Ha, Sang-Chul (Department of Confectionary and Decoration, Daegu Mire College)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.26
  • 심사 : 2011.07.22
  • 발행 : 2011.08.30


당뇨병에 효과가 있는 식품소재의 탐색과 그 소재를 이용한 기능성 빵제품 개발에 관한 연구의 일환으로 당뇨병에 효과가 있다고 알려진 소장흡수 저해효소인 ${\alpha}$-glucosidase를 target로 시중에 유통되는 다양한 생약재를 대상으로 탐색을 하였다. ${\alpha}$-Glucosidase 저해활성을 조사하고자 생약재 200여종을 대상으로 물층과 메탄올 층으로 구분하여 탐색한 결과 물층에서는 황기(70.9%)가, MeOH층에서는 구인(72.9%)이 70%이상의 강력한 저해효과를 나타났으며 60%이상으로는 물층에서는 육두구(69%), 상백피(66.9%), 오미자(65%), 삼칠(63.9%), 전호(62.9%), 천문동(62.1%), 정공등(60.9%), 호장근(60.7%), 창출(60.2%), 소자(60.2%)등 이었으며, MeOH층으로는 만삼(67.8%), 도인(67.6%), 방기(63.5%), 동규자(61.6%) 순으로 활성효과를 나타내었으며 50%이상의 저해효과를 보인 것으로는 물층에서는 황정(59.8%), 신곡(59.7%), 택사(59.5%), 의인(59.2%), 세신(59.0%), 시호(53.0%)를 포함한 31여종, MeOH층에서는 사군자(58.8%), 구기자(58.3%), 과루인(58.0%), 백자인(55.9%), 백강잠(55.6%), 계내금(55.4%), 독활(55.3%), 구척(52.7%), 대극(52.7%), 백편두(52.5%) 10종이 저해효과를 나타내었다. 따라서 당뇨병 환자의 기능성 소재로 개발하는데 기초 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.

This is a part of the study on the food materials that are effective for diabetes treatment and for use in the development of functional bread products. In this study, various commercially available Oriental medicines with the intestinal absorption enzyme called ${\alpha}$-glucosidase, which is known to be effective for diabetes treatment, were explored. According to the research results on the water and methanol in 200 kinds of Oriental medicines, which were separated by layer to investigate the inhibitory activity of ${\alpha}$-glucosidase, Astragalus membranaceus (70.9%) in the water layer and Pericaeta communissima (72.9%) in the MeOH layer showed a strong inhibitory effect of over 70%. Myristica fragrans (69%), Morus alba (66.9%), Schisandra chinensis (65%), Panax notoginsens (63.9%), Anthriscus sylvestris (62.9%), Asparagus cochinchinensis (62.1%), Erycibe obtusifolia (60.9%), Polygonum cuspidatum (60.7%), Atractylodes lancea (60.2%), and Perilla frutescens (60.2%) in the water layer, and Codonopsis pilosula (67.8%), Prunus persica batsch (67.6%), Sinomenium acutum (63.5%), and Malvae semen (61.6%) in the MeOH layer, showed a more than 60% inhibitory effect. Thirty one species, including Polygonatum sibiricum (59.8%), Medicata fementata (59.7%), Alisma canaliculatum (59.5%), Coix lacryma-jobi (59.2%), Asiasarum sieboldi (59.0%), and Bupleurum falcatum (53.0%), in the water layer, and 10 species [Quisqualis indica (58.8%), Lycium chinense (58.3%), Trichosanthes kirilowii (58.0%), Thuja orientalis (55.9%), Bombyx mori (55.6%), Gallus domesticus (55.4%), Aralia continentalis (55.3%), Cibotium barometz (52.7%), Euphorbia pekinensis (52.7%), and Dolichos lablab (52.5%)] in the MeOHlayer, showed a more than 50% inhibitory effect. Therefore, such materials are expected to be the basic materials that will be used for the development of functional materials for diabetes treatment.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Anti-diabetic and Anti-oxidative activities of Extracts from Crataegus pinnatifida vol.25, pp.2, 2015,
  2. The Literature Study of Research Trend of Alismatis Rhizoma and Relationship Between the Herbology and KCD vol.31, pp.2, 2016,
  3. 약용식물 물 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 α-Glucosidase 저해효과 vol.21, pp.3, 2013,
  4. Effect of E-Beam Irradiation on Microbial Load, Stability of Active Components, and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cnidii Rhizoma and Alismatis Rhizoma vol.22, pp.10, 2019,