연구 과제 주관 기관 : 지식경제부, 정보통신산업진흥원
- 유상근, 홍용근, 김형준, "스마트모바일 서비스 M2M 기술 및 표준 동향", 전자통신동향분석 제26권 제 2호 2011년 4월
- Technical Document of ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Sensor Networks (SGSN), "SGSN Technical Document Version 2" SGSN N070
- W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, "Medium Access Control with Coordinated Adaptive Sleeping for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, Vol.12, no.3, pp. 493-506, June 2004. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNET.2004.828953
- S. Du, A. K. Saha, and D. Johnson, "RMAC: a Routing-Enhanced Duty Cycle MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," INFOCOM' 07, May 2007.
- I. Rhee, A. Warrier, M. Aia, and J. Min, "Z-MAC: a Hybrid MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks," SIGCOMM' 05, August 2005.
- J. Polastre, J. Hill, and D. Culler, "Versatile Low Power Media Access for Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor System, Baltimore, USA, pp.95-107, November 2004.
- Y. Sun, O. Gurewitz, and D. B. Johnson, "RI-MAC: A Receiver Initiated Asynchronous Duty Cycle MAC Protocol for Dynamic Traffic Loads in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. ACM SenSys 2008.
- J. S. On, J. H. Kim, J. Y. Lee, Y. S. Kim, and H. J. Chong, "A MAC Protocol with Adaptive Preloads considering Low Duty-Cycle in WSNs," Springer LNCS 4864, MSN 2007, pp.269-280, December 2007.
- J. H. Kim, J. S. On, S. G. Kim, and J. Y. Lee, "Performance Evaluation of Synchronous and Asynchronous MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. SENSORCOMM 2008, August 2008.
- C. Intanagonwiwat, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, "Directed diffusion: a scalable and robust communication paradigm for sensor networks," Proceedings of ACM MobiCom '00, Boston, MA, 2000, pp.56-67.
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- 김재현, 심인보, 김홍, 이재용, "무선 센서 네트워크에서 위치 정보의 시간차를 이용한 에너지 효율적인 라우팅 프로토콜", 한국통신학회지 논문지, pp247-256, Vol.32, No.5, 2007
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- F. Ye, H. Luo, J. Cheng, S. Lu, L. Zhang, "A Two-tier data dissemination model for large-scale wireless sensor networks", proceedings of ACM/IEEE MOBICOM, 2002.
- 최경진, 윤명준, 심인보, 이재용, "무선 센서 네트워크에서의 에너지 효율적인 클러스터 헤드 선출 알고리즘", 한국통신학회 논문지 Vol. 32, No. 6, 2007년 6월, pp.342-349
- L.B. Ruiz, J.M. Nogueira, and A.A.F. Loureiro, "MANNA: A Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE communications Magazine, vol. 41, no. 2,pp. 116-125, 2003 https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2003.1179560
- G. Tolle and D. Culler, "Design of an application-cooperative management system for wireless sensor networks," In Wireless Sensor Networks, 2005. Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on, pages 121-132, July 2005.
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- Gerald Wagenknecht,?Markus Anwander, Torsten Braun, Thomas Staub, James Matheka, Simon Morgenthaler: MARWIS: A Management Architecture for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, 6th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC' 08)
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- Jaewoo Kim, HahnEarl jeon, and JaiYong Lee, "Network Management Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks", Communications in Computer and Information Science, CCIS 119, Part 1, pp.76-84, December, 2010
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- I. Dietrich and F. Dressler, "On the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 5, No. 1, Article 5, February 2009
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- M. Noori, M. Ardakani, "A Probability Model for Lifetime of Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2008. SECON '08. 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on 16-20 June 2008 Page(s):269-277
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- Krishnamachari, L. ; Estrin, D. ; Wicker, S. "The impact of data aggregation in wireless sensor networks" , Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2002. Proceedings. 22nd International Conference on, 2002
- IETF 6LoWPAN Working Group http://tools.ietf.org/wg/6lowpan