Study on Vehicle Routing Problem of Artillery Position Construction for Survivability Support

포병화력 생존성지원을 위한 진지구축경로문제 연구

  • Moon, Jung-Hyun (Department of Operations Research, Korea National Defense University) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Heon (Department of Operations Research, Korea National Defense University)
  • 문정현 (국방대학교 운영분석학과) ;
  • 이상헌 (국방대학교 운영분석학과)
  • Received : 2011.01.24
  • Accepted : 2011.05.27
  • Published : 2011.09.01


In this paper, we deal with the vehicle routing problem that could establish operational plan of military engineer for survivability support of artillery position construction. We propose VRPTW(vehicle routing problem with time-window) model of special form that considered service level to reflect the characteristics of military operations rather than the logic of economic efficiencies in the objective function. Furthermore we suggest modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for service based vehicle routing problem solution that can be possible to search in complicated and uncertain area and control relation softly between global and local search.



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