Neural Network Model-based Algorithm for Identifying Job Status in Block Assembly Shop for Shipbuilding

신경망 모델 기반 조선소 조립공장 작업상태 판별 알고리즘

  • Received : 2010.09.10
  • Accepted : 2011.07.28
  • Published : 2011.09.01


In the shipbuilding industry, since production processes are so complicated that the data collection for decision making cannot be fully automated, most of production planning and controls are based on the information provided only by field workers. Therefore, without sufficient information it is very difficult to manage the whole production process efficiently. Job status is one of the most important information used for evaluating the remaining processing time in production control, specifically, in block assembly shop. Currently, it is checked by a production manager manually and production planning is modified based on that information, which might cause a delay in production control, resulting in performance degradation. Motivated by these remarks, in this paper we propose an efficient algorithm for identifying job status in block assembly shop for shipbuilding. The algorithm is based on the multi-layer perceptron neural network model using two key factors for input parameters. We showed the superiority of the algorithm by using a numerical experiment, based on real data collected from block assembly shop.



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