3D 입체 디스플레이 인터랙션 기술

  • Published : 2011.06.30




  1. Autostereoscopy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostereoscopy
  2. 차세대 디스플레이 개발동향과 상업화 전망, 3D 기술 및 표준화 동향, 지식경제부 기술표준원, (2010.10).
  3. 도시바 "안경 필요없는 대형 3DTV 연내 출시", 머니투데이, (2011.4.20).
  4. 무안경 3D 디스플레이 시장 열리나, 5년 뒤 10조 시장, 비싼 가격 '숙제', 매일경제, (2010.10.20).
  5. http://www.inition.co.uk/inition/products.php?CatID_=5
  6. 도시바 노트북 2D와 3D 동시 구현, ZDNetKorea, (2011.4.23).
  7. 후지쯔, 무안경 방식 3D 데스크톱PC 일본 출시, ZDNetKorea, (2010.1.13).
  8. [CES 2011] 무안경 3DTV 성능은? 아직은...., 미디어잇, (2011.1.7).
  9. Dimenco, http://www.dimenco.eu/
  10. 52-inch glasses-free 3D TV hits Japan, (May 23, 2011) http://3dradar.techradar.com/3d-tech/52-inch-glasses-free-3d-tv-hits-japan-23-05-2011
  11. 200인치 무안경 3D디스플레이 일본 NICT에서 개발 성공, IT/가젯/IT월드, (2011.2.13).
  12. D. J. Sandin et al, The $Varrier^{TM}$ Autostereoscopic Display, SPIE Vol. 4297, No. 25, (2001).
  13. MIT glasses-free 3D works from many perspectives, http://www.cnet.com, (2011.5.5). http://news.cnet.com/mit-glasses-free-3d-works-from-man y-perspectives/8301-17938_105-20059866-1.html
  14. Better glasses-free 3-D: A fundamentally new approach, http://www.physorg.com, (2011.5.4). http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-glasses-free-d-fun damentally-approach.html
  15. Eye Tracking, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_tracking
  16. S. Baluja and D. Pomerleau, "Non-intrusive Gaze Tracking using Artificial Neural Networks," Research Paper CMU-CS-94-102, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, (1994).
  17. T. Cornweet and H. Crane, "Accurate Two- Dimensional Eye Tracker Using First and Fourth Purkinje Images," Journal of Optical Society America, Vol.63, No.8, pp.921-928, (1973). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSA.63.000921
  18. Fraunhofer HHI, http://www.hhi.fraunhofer.de/
  19. D. Scott and J. Findlay, "Visual Search, Eye Movements and Display Units, Human Factors Report," University of Durham, (1993).
  20. T. Fukuhara, T. Murakami, "3D-motion estimation of human head for model-based image coding," IEE Proc., Vol.140, No.1, pp.26-35, (1993).
  21. R. Stiefelhagen, J. Yang, and A. Waibel, "A model-based gaze tracking system," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Symposia on Intelligence and Systems, pp. 304-310, (1996).
  22. http://www.seeingmachines.com/facelab.htm
  23. David Beymer and Myron Flickner, "Eye Gaze Tracking Using an Active Stereo Head," Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (2003).
  24. OpenEyes http://thirtysixthspan.com/openEyes/software.html
  25. TrackEye 2.0 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/TrackEye.aspx
  26. ITU Gaze Group, Gaze Tracker 2.0 http://www.gazegroup.org/
  27. OpenNI, http://www.openni.org/
  28. OpenNI User Guide
  29. Kinect, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinect
  30. OpenKinect, http://openkinect.org/wiki/Main_Page
  31. Kinect Glasses-less 3D, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dnMsmajogA
  32. ASUS XtionPRO, http://www.asus.com/Multimedia/Motion_Sensor/Xtion_PRO/#overview