증실기(蒸室記) 연구(硏究)

A Study on "Records on Steam Room(蒸室記)"

  • 투고 : 2011.09.01
  • 심사 : 2011.09.23
  • 발행 : 2011.09.25


The Chapter of "Records on Steam Room(蒸室記)" in "Shandangjip(山堂集)" by CHOI Chungsung is a rare and notable one in that it contains the first concrete and detailed description and view of steam shower in the early Joseon Dynasty. It is known that Choi's Wind stroke(brain stroke) deteriorated due to excessive steam shower. He unreasonably entered the steam room 4 or 5 times a day for 9 consecutive days even though external pathogens had intruded into visceral organs and his energizing chi got less and weaker. By this excessive steam showering, his righteous chi was exhausted and eventually burned out. Given some records in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty writing that people died due to excessive steam shower, there was no established medical theory on the effect of steam shower before the publication of "Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)".



  1. 박중양, 김병탁. 中風治法中 發汗祛風에 對한 文獻的 考察. 대전대학교 한의학연구소 논문집. 1998. 7권 1호. p. 790.
  2. 三木榮. 朝鮮醫學史及疾病史. 思文閣出版. 1991. pp. 141-142.
  3. 金斗鐘. 韓國醫學史(全). 探究堂. 1993. pp. 244-247.
  4. 崔忠成. 山堂集. 韓國文集叢刊 16. 민족문화추진회. pp. 593-594. 599. 611.
  5. 許浚. 東醫寶鑑(影印本). 南山堂. 1998. p. 359. 360. 363. 368, 369. 717. 720. 726.
  6. 黃帝. 黃帝內經. 반룡. 2000. p. 87.
  7. 미상. (국역)醫方合部. 한국한의학연구원. 2007. p. 291.
  8. 국사편찬위원회. (인터넷)조선왕조실록. 세종실록. 17卷, 4年(1422) 8月 25日(己酉); 18卷, 4年 (1422) 10月 2日(丙戌); 57卷, 14年(1432) 8月 16日(壬寅) [2011,06,03]. available from:URL:
  9. 한국고전번역원. 한국고전종합DB. [2011,06,03]. Available from: URL: :