Development of a robust bench-scale testing unit for low-pressure membranes used in water treatment

  • Huang, Haiou (Johns Hopkins University, Center for Water and Health) ;
  • Schwab, Kellogg (Johns Hopkins University, Center for Water and Health) ;
  • Jacangelo, Joseph G. (Johns Hopkins University, Center for Water and Health)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.12
  • 심사 : 2011.04.25
  • 발행 : 2011.04.25


A bench-scale test has recently been proposed as a predictive tool to minimize the scope of pilot-scale testing or to optimize the operation of full-scale membrane filtration systems. Consequently, a bench-scale testing unit was developed for this purpose and systematically evaluated in this study. This unit was capable of accommodating commercially available, low pressure, hollow fiber (LPHF) membranes with various configurations for testing under conditions comparable to real-world applications. Reproducibility of this unit in assessing membrane fouling and microbial removal efficiency of LPHF membranes was tested and statistically comparable results were obtained. This unit serves as a useful apparatus for academic researchers and utilities to evaluate the performance of LPHF membranes used for water treatment.



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