Meat Quality of Lambs Fed on Palm Kernel Meal, a By-product of Biodiesel Production

  • Ribeiro, R.D.X. (Federal University of Paraiba) ;
  • Oliveira, Ronaldo Lopes (Federal University of Bahia) ;
  • Macome, F.M. (Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique) ;
  • Bagaldo, A.R. (Federal University of Reconcavo of Bahia) ;
  • Silva, M.C.A. (Federal University of Bahia) ;
  • Ribeiro, C.V.D.M. (Federal University of Bahia) ;
  • Carvalho, G.G.P. (Federal University of Bahia) ;
  • Lanna, D.P.D. (University of Sao Paulo)
  • Received : 2011.04.20
  • Accepted : 2011.06.07
  • Published : 2011.10.01


This study aimed to establish the optimum level of palm kernel meal in the diet of Santa Ines lambs based on the sensorial characteristics and fatty acid profile of the meat. We used 32 lambs with a starting age of 4 to 6 months and mean weight of $22{\pm}2.75kg$, kept in individual stalls. The animals were fed with Tifton-85 hay and a concentrate mixed with 0.0, 6.5, 13.0 or 19.5% of palm kernel meal based on the dry mass of the complete diet. These levels formed the treatments. Confinement lasted 80 days and on the last day the animals were fasted and slaughtered. After slaughter, carcasses were weighed and sectioned longitudinally, along the median line, into two antimeres. Half-carcasses were then sliced between the 12th and 13th ribs to collect the loin (longissimus dorsi), which was used to determine the sensorial characteristics and fatty acid profile of the meat. For sensorial evaluation, samples of meat were given to 54 judges who evaluated the tenderness, juiciness, appearance, aroma and flavor of the meat using a hedonic scale. Fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography. The addition of palm kernel meal to the diet had no effect on the sensorial characteristics of meat juiciness, appearance, aroma or flavor. However, tenderness showed a quadratic relationship with the addition of the meal to the diet. The concentration of fatty acids C12:0, C14:0 and C16:0 increased with the addition of palm kernel meal, as did the sum of medium-chain fatty acids and the atherogenicity index. Up to of 19.5% of the diet of Santa Ines lambs can be made up of palm kernel meal without causing significant changes in sensorial characteristics. However, the fatty acid profile of the meat was altered.



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