Objective : This study was performed to analyze the relationship between posttraumatic stress, coping style, and dissociation in Korean firefighters. Methods : Subjects included 193 male and 9 female firefighters in the metropolitan city of Daejeon. Their age ranged from 25 to 57 with an average of 39.17 (SD : 7.572) years. Their posttraumatic stress or traumatic experiences were assessed with the Korean Version of the Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale. Their coping style was categorized with the Korean version of the Ways of Coping Checklist. Their dissociation was assessed with the Korean version of Dissociative Experiences Scale. The data analysis included a correlation analysis and structural equation modeling. The modeling tested the validity of the model that posttraumatic stress had a direct effect on dissociation and coping style had an mediatory effect between stress and dissociation. Results : First, firefighters' posttraumatic stress or traumatic experiences had a direct effect on dissociation, a symptom of a mental disorder. Second, the firefighters employed passive styles to cope with their stress. This is explained that they had been exposed to their traumatic events repeatedly without being able to control it themselves. Third, coping style had no effect on the mediation between posttraumatic stress and dissociation. This is explained in terms of repeated exposure to the traumatic events. Conclusion : Based on the results, it is concluded that Korean firefighters' dissociation was not relieved by their coping effort but associated directly with their traumatic experiences. To decrease their dissociation, it is necessary to reduce the exposure to their traumatic events.