전국 논토양과 시설하우스 토양 중 잔류농약 모니터링과 환경 노출성

Pesticide Residue Monitoring and Environmental Exposure in Paddy Field Soils and Greenhouse Soils

  • 박병준 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원) ;
  • 이지호 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원)
  • Park, Byung-Jun (National Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, RDA) ;
  • Lee, Ji-Ho (National Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, RDA)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.18
  • 심사 : 2011.05.06
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


분석대상 농약의 토양중 잔류분석법에 따른 검출한계는 0.001~0.005 ppm이었으며 2007년에 전국 논토양 150점에 대한 잔류농약 성분을 분석한 결과 살균제 carpropamid 등 4종, 살충제 buprofezin 등 4종, 제초제는 butachlor 등 3종 농약이 검출 되었다. 검출빈도는 oxadiazon 성분이 19.3%로 가장 높았고 살균제 hexaconazole 성분이 8.0%, isoprothiolane 2.7%순이었고 검출된 농도는 oxadiazon 0.836 ppm, isoprothiolane 0.810 ppm과 buprofezin 0.5 ppm 수준으로 최고 농도를 보였으나 그 밖의 성분은 대체로 잔류수준이 낮게 검출되었다. 2008년에 전국 시설재배지 토양 152점에 대한 잔류농약 성분을 조사한 결과 살균제 hexaconazole 등 6종, 살충제 cadusafos 등 16종, 제초제는 butachlor 등 7종 농약이 검출 되었고 검출빈도는 endosulfan 38.8%로 가장 높았으며, oxadiazon 성분이 13.2%, 살균제 hexaconazole 성분이 10.5%, isoprothiolane 7.2% 순이었다. 검출된 농도는 chlorfenapyr 5.087 ppm으로 가장 높았으며, chlorothalonil 2.565 ppm, oxadiazon 0.715 ppm, isoprothiolane 0.208 ppm 수준을 보였으나 그 밖의 성분은 대체로 잔류수준이 낮게 검출되었다.

To investigate an amount of pesticide residue in rice paddy field soils and greenhouse soil, this monitoring was carried out pesticide detection frequency and concentrations collected samples from 150 rice paddy field soils and 152 greenhouse soils of nationwide in the year of 2007, and 2008, respectively. The detection limit of pesticides of this experiment were ranged 0.001~0.005 ppm. In 2007, One hundred fifty samples were collected from rice paddy field soils in April and monitored for 120 wide-used pesticides. A total of 11 pesticides were detected four fungicides, four insecticides and three herbicides in paddy field soils. The highest concentration levels of pesticide detected were 0.84 ppm as herbicide oxadiazon, 0.81 ppm as fungicide isoprothiolane and 0.50 ppm as insecticide buprofezin. The detection frequencies range were 0~19.3%, and the frequency was 2.7% as isoprothiolane and 19.3% as oxadiazon in paddy field soils. In 2008, One hundred fifty two samples were collected from greenhouse soils in April and monitored for 120 wide-used pesticides. A total of 29 pesticides were detected six fungicides, sixteen insecticides and seven herbicides in greenhouse soils. high concentration levels of pesticide detected levels were 5.09 ppm as insecticide chlorfenapyr, 2.57 ppm as fungicide chlorothalonil and 0.72 ppm as herbicide oxadiazon. The detection frequencies range were 0~38.8%, and high frequencies were 38.8% as insecticide endosulfan, 13.2% as oxadiazone, 10.5% as fungicide hexaconazole and 7.2% as isoprothiolane in greenhouse soils, Total endosulfan and oxadiazon were showed high detection frequency of 38.8% and 13.2%, respectively.



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