매개변수로 제어가능한 운전자의 안전벨트 뻗침 모션 생성

Parametrized Construction of Virtual Drivers' Reach Motion to Seat Belt

  • 투고 : 2011.08.30
  • 심사 : 2011.04.11
  • 발행 : 2011.08.01


In this paper we present our work on the parameterized construction of virtual drivers' reach motion to seat belt, by using motion capture data. A user can generate a new reach motion by controlling a number of parameters. We approach the problem by using multiple sets of example reach motions and learning the relation between the labeling parameters and the motion data. The work is composed of three tasks. First, we construct a motion database using multiple sets of labeled motion clips obtained by using a motion capture device. This involves removing the redundancy of each motion clip by using PCA (Principal Component Analysis), and establishing temporal correspondence among different motion clips by automatic segmentation and piecewise time warping of each clip. Next, we compute motion blending functions by learning the relation between labeling parameters (age, hip base point (HBP), and height) and the motion parameters as represented by a set of PC coefficients. During runtime, on-line motion synthesis is accomplished by evaluating the motion blending function from the user-supplied control parameters.



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