위(胃)의 생리특성 및 위기(胃氣)와 진장맥(眞藏脈)과의 상관관계에 대한 연구

Study on Physiological Character of Stomach, and Correlation of Stomach Qi(胃氣) and True Visceral Pulse(眞藏脈)

  • 이혜연 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 강정수 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Lee, Hye-Yeon (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kang, Jung-Soo (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2011.07.03
  • 심사 : 2011.07.19
  • 발행 : 2011.07.25


By examining the relationship between physiological character of stomach and true viscera pulse(眞臟脈) with "Huangdinejing(黃帝內經)", the study shows these fallowing results. Stomach is not only one of the six bowels(六腑), it represents them. It is called as yang brightness of foot(足陽明) because it has relation with function of earth among five phases(五行), great storage(倉廩) and root of five visceras and six bowels(五臟六腑), has close relationship with triple energizers(三焦). Stomach is an important organ that feeds acquired qi(後天之氣) based on food and stomach qi (胃氣) which is a transformed form by going through digestion, is significant for life conservation. In human body, the activation of stomach qi can be known by pulse. The true viscera pulse is a pulse which predicts the period of death. If stomach qi exsits, viscera qi can be led to greater yin of hand(手太陰), however, when it does not exist, five viscera qi can not be led to greater yin of hand and this kind of situation appears the true viscera pulse. Hence, by knowing the relation between stomach qi and five viscera qi, the condition of normality, disease, and death can be known. In "Hwangdineijing" it says, stomach qi, shortly string like pulse(微弦), shortly surging pulse(微鉤), shortly floating pulse(微毛), and shortly sunken pulse(微毛) shown in four seasons are normal pulse. And also it emphasizes, normal pulse is made when four seasons, five viscera pulse, and stomach qi are in harmony. In conclusion, stomach qi is based on food for well being, and a standard of judging people whether they are living in a healthy life or not.



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