Optimal Speed Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles

  • Yadav, Anil Kumar (Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg., Meerut Institute of Eng. & Technology Meerut) ;
  • Gaur, Prerna (Division of Instrumentation & Control Engg., Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology) ;
  • Jha, Shyama Kant (Division of Instrumentation & Control Engg., Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology) ;
  • Gupta, J.R.P. (Division of Instrumentation & Control Engg., Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology) ;
  • Mittal, A.P. (Division of Instrumentation & Control Engg., Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.04
  • 발행 : 2011.07.20


The main objective of this paper is to control the speed of Nonlinear Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) by controlling the throttle position. Various control techniques such as well known Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller in conjunction with state feedback controller (SFC) such as Pole Placement Technique (PPT), Observer Based Controller (OBC) and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) Controller are designed. Some Intelligent control techniques e.g. fuzzy logic PD, Fuzzy logic PI along with Adaptive Controller such as Self Organizing Controller (SOC) is also designed. The design objective in this research paper is to provide smooth throttle movement, zero steady-state speed error, and to maintain a Selected Vehicle (SV) speed. A comparative study is carried out in order to identify the superiority of optimal control technique so as to get improved fuel economy, reduced pollution, improved driving safety and reduced manufacturing costs.



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