뇌사에 대한 인지와 태도에 관련된 요인

The Factors of Related towards Cognition and Attitudes to the Brain Death

  • 투고 : 2011.03.03
  • 심사 : 2011.03.16
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


This study aims at providing basic data on brain death by analyzing factors of influencing toward attitude to brain death subject to citizens of Busan City. The data was collected for 47 days from 14 July to 31 August, 2009. Among a total of 2200 cases of the questionaries, only 2042 cases were used. For data analysis, SPSS 17.0 was used, and for the specific analysis method frequency analysis to understand general characteristics of the participants. In addition, examination on T-test and ANOVA analysis were conducted after analyzing the factors for participants' consciousness on brain death, and logistic regression analysis for understanding of relations between participants' will to brain death and general characteristics. The results of this study are summarized as follows; First, attitudes towards brain death according to general characteristics was high in those with will to donate their organs than those without in the attitude factors, namely, death recognition, acceptive, exclusive and religious attitude factors. Second, Significant variables for effects of attitudes towards brain death were gender, patients or their family's chronic or incurable diseases, religion, occupation and death recognition, acceptive, and exclusive attitude factors.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Attitude Favorability towards Organ Donation in Family Members of Brain Dead Organ Donors vol.28, pp.4, 2014,
  2. 호스피스 자원봉사자의 존엄사에 대한 태도요인 vol.5, pp.2, 2011,