Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology (대한암한의학회지)
- Volume 16 Issue 1
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- Pages.33-39
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- 2011
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- 1975-244X(pISSN)
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- 2765-4850(eISSN)
Case Report of the Pancreatic Cancer Patient after Pancreatoduodenectomy who is Taking the HangAm-Plus to Anti-metastasis and Preventing Recurrence
췌장암의 외과적 절제술 후 항암플러스로 항전이 및 재발 방지 중인 환자 증례보고
- Kim, Jong-Min (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) ;
- Park, Jae-Woo (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) ;
Yoo, Hwa-Seung
(East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) ;
Lee, Yeon-Weol
(East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) ;
Cho, Chong-Kwan
(East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University)
- 김종민 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
- 박재우 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
(대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
(대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
(대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터)
- Received : 2011.04.25
- Accepted : 2011.05.09
- Published : 2011.06.28
Objective : To investigate the anti-metastasis and preventing relapses of HangAm-Plus (HAP) on pancreatic cancer patient. Methods : A 49 year old male patient diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (T3N0M0) was admitted to EWCC (East-West Cancer Center) on Jul. 21st 2008. He had operated pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPD) and came to the anti-metastasis and preventing relapses on pancreatic cancer patient. The patient was treated with HangAm-Plus (HAP) (3,000 mg/day) for the period of 33 months from Jul. 21st, 2008 to Apr. 7th, 2011. Tumor markers (CEA and CA19-9) were used to evaluate the disease progression of the patient. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) were also followed up. Results : HAP treatment was well tolerated by the patient. Patient has shown 33 months of disease free survival until now. Conclusion : This case study supports HAP's potential efficacy in the anti-metastasis and preventing relapses of pancreatic cancer patient.