한러 IUU 협정에 따른 수산거버넌스의 사례연구

Case Study on Fisheries Governance of IUU Agreement between Korea and Russia

  • 이광남 (한국수산회 수산정책연구소)
  • 투고 : 2011.08.29
  • 심사 : 2011.10.21
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


This article analyzed the process of concluding the Korea-Russia IUU Fishing Prevention Agreement as a model case for distant water fisheries governance. The research studied co-operations for fisheries between Korea and Russia, the current status of live crabs landed in Korea through IUU fishing and Russia's political position on the IUU issue. Also this article reviewed a series of processes executed to achieve the bilateral agreement to prevent IUU fishing, including researches, intergovernmental negotiations, institutional improvements, public hearings and presentations. There were many things closely linked together such as international FAO-IUU prevention efforts, Russia's IUU fishing issue, Korean importers of Russian live crabs, their local governments and Korean snow-crab gill-net fishermen. These issues were resolved through reasonable reconciliations. This article wants to contribute to be used as a reference for other similar IUU fisheries cases.



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