백화점 중간관리 형태에서 패션제품 판매원의 패션업체에 대한 인식

Fashion Product Salesperson's Perception of Fashion Company in the Middle Management System of Department Store

  • 이현진 (경북대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 추태귀 (경북대학교 패션디자인 전공)
  • Lee, Hyun-Jin (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Choo, Tae-Gue (Dept. of Fashion Design, Kyungpook National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.07.08
  • 심사 : 2011.09.05
  • 발행 : 2011.10.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate salesperson's perception of fashion company in the middle management system of department store. This study was conducted by a qualitative research method. An in-depth interview was managed to 14 fashion shop managers and salesperson who have three or more years of work experience at the department store. Interview details were classified three categories: relations with fashion company and others, concern with products supply, concern with products sales. First, the positive factors on relations with fashion company are mutual trust, stability of fashion company, coordination and consideration for shop, communication with fashion company, methodical IT system, methodical education, and social gathering support. The negative factors are unilateral breach of contract from fashion company, communication problem, gap between sales status in shop and product design in fashion company, lack of professional education, difficulty of participating in education, and inadequate employee benefits. Second, the positive factor on products supply is priority of products supply. The negative factors are lack of main items, product procurement lacking rapidity, and problem of securing a supply. Third, the positive factors on products sales are brand pride, display and information support about products, and free gift support. The negative factors are unfair selling commission policy, sales pressure, and excessive responsibility.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Fashion Product Salesperson's Perception of Department Store in Department Store Middle Management System vol.15, pp.1, 2013,
  2. The effects of salesperson's self-determination, shared value, and communication satisfaction on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention in fashion companies vol.24, pp.6, 2016,