Cross-Layer Resource Allocation with Multipath Routing in Wireless Multihop and Multichannel Systems

  • Received : 2009.08.13
  • Accepted : 2010.10.07
  • Published : 2011.06.30


A joint multipath routing algorithm and channel allocation and scheduling for wireless multihop and multichannel systems is discussed. In packet transmission, distribution of packets to multiroutes makes it possible to reduce the transmission cost of the channels. Cross-layer cooperation of routing, channel allocation, and scheduling is an effective method of packet distribution. As a framework for the cooperation, we propose a multiroute distance vector routing (MDVR) scheme. In the MDVR scheme, the routing table is logically placed in between the routing and link layers, and the table plays the role of a service access point between these two layers. To evaluate the performance of MDVR, simulation is performed in a multichannel, multihop environment. The simulation results show that the MDVR framework can be efficiently implemented in the form of a distributed routing algorithm. It is also shown that in MDVR, the system-wise channel efficiency is almost 25% higher than that in a conventional single-route routing approach.



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