치주질환자 구강관리능력 향상을 위한 치면세균막관리(잇솔질교육)에 관한 연구

The effect of plaque control (tooth brushing instruction) for oral health improvement on periodontitis patients

  • 김설희 (호원대학교 치위생학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.03.07
  • 심사 : 2011.04.15
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


Objectives : The aim of the trial was to study the effect of plaque control(tooth brushing instruction) for oral health improvement on periodontitis patients. Methods : 30 patients(35~65 years) with advanced periodontal disease were subjected to a baseline examination including assessment of oral hygiene status(O'leary index), gingival condition(bleeding). the assessment were repeated after 2, 4, 6 weeks. cognitive, behavioral and clinical outcomes were assessed in the primary care setting by questionnaire and clinical oral examination. Results : The oral hygiene status expressed as the individual mean percentage of tooth surfaces with plaque 59.3% at baseline and 21.2% after 6 weeks(p<0.001). The gingival bleeding status expressed as the individual mean point of interdental papilla 3.8 at baseline and 1.9 after 6 weeks(p<0.001). Also, the patients self-assessment about correct tooth brushing behavior was 3.9(5-point likert scales), satisfaction of plan practices 4.1(5-point likert scales), efficacy of tooth brushing instruction 8.7(10-point likert scales). Patients wanted to continuous participation. Conclusions : A verification of effect after individualized oral health instruction and repeated dental plaque control represented to significance on plaque control score, oral care practice and oral health recognition. The important oral care step against periodontal disease is to establish good oral health habits. Also, oral health behavior recognition is more important for the practice of oral health. Therefore professional plaque control and tooth brushing instruction absolutely need in improving oral health.



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