A Study on Disability Database and Applicable System to Provide Continuous and Comprehensive Rehabilitation Service

지속적·포괄적 재활서비스 제공을 위한 장애인 통합 데이터베이스 및 활용체계 연구

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon (Department of Rehabilitation Standard & Policy, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute) ;
  • Ho, Seung-Hee (Department of Rehabilitation Standard & Policy, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute) ;
  • Kang, Hyun-Gyu (Department of Rehabilitation Standard & Policy, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Young (Department of Rehabilitation Standard & Policy, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute)
  • 이희연 (국립재활원 재활연구소 재활표준연구과) ;
  • 호승희 (국립재활원 재활연구소 재활표준연구과) ;
  • 강현규 (국립재활원 재활연구소 재활표준연구과) ;
  • 이승영 (국립재활원 재활연구소 재활표준연구과)
  • Received : 2011.04.20
  • Accepted : 2011.06.06
  • Published : 2011.06.30


Background : Demands have increased for a variety of welfare services and customized services for persons with disabilities(PWD). A management System focused on PWD was needed to provide for comprehensive services. The purpose of this study was to design a disability database and an application system in order to provide continuous and comprehensive rehabilitation service for PWD. Methods : We analyzed local and abroad disability-related policies and systems and derived the contents that should be included in the integrated database for PWD through a survey among rehabilitation specialists. Result : The integrated database for PWD was composed of 7 categories including General Characteristics, Health & Medicine, Assistance, Education, Employment, Economics and Daily & Social Life. The applicable system of integrated database for PWD was proposed to help conducting policies in such areas as follows ; 'welfare', 'education and culture', 'economic activity', 'social participation' and 'Health'. Conclusion : The main goal of disability policy and strategy should be established by systematically analyzing disability-related data integrating database of PWD. Accordingly, specific objectives and directions for disability policies should be set and efficiently managed and operated. The integrated database for PWD may be utilized for disability-related policies and service monitering, sustainable and integrated management and community participation and integration based on the rights of the disabled.



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  1. Trends and Factors Affecting Participation Rate in Korean National Health Screening among People with Disabilities vol.24, pp.2, 2014,