서울시 소재 산후조리원의 의료인 연계 및 한방의료 현황 조사

An Investigation into the State of Doctors' Linkage and Oriental Medical Treatment at All Postpartum Care Center in Seoul

  • 장석우 (제인한방병원 한방부인과) ;
  • 허수정 (제인한방병원 한방부인과) ;
  • 조현주 (제인한방병원 한방부인과)
  • 투고 : 2011.10.28
  • 심사 : 2011.11.07
  • 발행 : 2011.11.25


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate all postpartum care center in Seoul about its state of doctors' linkage and oriental medical treatment. Methods: From May 1st 2011 to July 10th 2011, survey was done using a selfmade questionnaire by phone or visit. There were 12 categories including the state of doctors' linkage in postpartum care centers, treatment form of oriental medical doctors, utilization of herbal medicine and so on. The data collected was analyzed using Excel 2007 FOR WINDOWS. Results: 1. The doctors' linkage with postpartum centers included pediatricians(96.1%), oriental medicine doctors(61.2%), and gynecologists(34.0%). Of those postpartum centers, 66% had both pediatrician and oriental medical doctor which were the vast majority. 2. Out of 70 postpartum centers providing herbal medicine, 9 of them were supplied of herbal medicine by herb sellers(not doctor). Where as, at 63 oriental medical doctors-affiliated centers, 85.7% of them had oriental medical doctors' examinations. 3. Out of 70 postpartum centers providing herbal medicine, personalized prescription amounted to 35(50.0%), same prescriptions amounted to 34(48.6%), and 1(1.4%) refused to answer. 4. Out of all the patients that received explanation about the effects of herbal medicine, 62.9% had them explained by oriental medical doctors. Conclusions: These findings suggests that oriental medical doctors are actively involved with postpartum care centers but problems surfaced regarding individualized prescription insufficiency and the lack of administration. In the near future, if the expertise expand in the areas of pediatrics as well as obstetrics and gynecology, oriental medicine will have a more solid role in postpartum care part.



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피인용 문헌

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