This paper aims to design a policy-assessment tool liking the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) and the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). As a step towards the incorporation of environmental and economic considerations, the approach used herein takes the form of integrating quantitative information on environmental benefits and costs associated with implementing the project into the existing framework of the EIA. Our case study is an project appraisal of a solar energy plant. It is confirmed that the technique is operational, however, there are certain limitations for a complete assessment. The difficulty mainly originated from the omission of important information from each step of the valuation process. Alternatively stated, some environmental services are not identified, nor quantified, and nor monetized in the process. More case studies are warranted in the future along with elaboration in methodology of techniques. In addition, the construction of a database on environmental values will be required to accumulate reliable and systematized data. These are the necessary conditions to improving quality in application of techniques as well as providing comprehensive and balanced information to decision makers.