The Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variation on the Vegetation Area of the Siwha Tidat Flat

시화 갯벌식생범위의 시-공간적 변이 분석

  • Received : 2011.03.26
  • Accepted : 2011.06.10
  • Published : 2011.06.30


This research is aim to analyze of changing landscape and according to phenological cycle from image information of coastal environment obtained by multi-media were analyzed by camera and satellite image. The digital camera and satellite image were used for tidal flat vegetation monitoring during the construction of Sihwa lake. The vegetation type and phenological cycle of Sihwa tidal flat have been changed with the Sihwa lake ecosystem. The environment changes of Sihwa tidal flat area and ecological change were analyzed by field work digital camera images and satellite images. The airborne, UAV and satellite images were classified with the changed elements of coastal ecological environment and tidal flat vegetation monitoring carried out the changed area and shape of vegetation distribution with time series images.



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