Breeding of a Seedless Table Grape Cultivar 'Heukisul' (Vitis sp.) with High Quality

고품질 무핵 포도 품종 '흑이슬' 육성

  • Received : 2011.01.28
  • Accepted : 2011.08.25
  • Published : 2011.10.31


'Heukisul' (3x) a cross made in 2000 between 'Kyoho' (4x, Vitis sp.) and 'Thompson Seedless' (2x, Vitis vinifera L.) in a seedless grape breeding program, was preliminarily selected in 2004. After regional adaptation testing under the name of 'KTS014' at two sites during 2004-2005, it was finally selected in 2006. 'Heukisul' showed low incidence of berry shattering, resulting in a good berry set compared to 'King Dela'. 'Heukisul' had budburst on April 23, flowering on in June 9, and fruit maturation in September 29 (almost the same as 'King Dela' at Chuncheon), and it was considered a midseason cultivar. The mean berry weight was 4.0 g, about 0.7 g heavier than 'King Dela', and mean soluble solids were $21.9\;^{\circ}Brix$, about $2.7\;^{\circ}Brix$ higher than 'King Dela'. The skin color was dark violet with abundant bloom and the flesh was very firm. Although the cluster was compact, it required no cluster thinning. Also the incidence of berry cracking was very low.

무핵 포도 품종을 육성하고자 2000년에 'Kyoho'와 'Thompson seedless' 교잡으로부터 '흑이슬'이 육성되었으며, 2004년도에 1차 선발되었다. 2004년부터 2005년까지 두 곳에서 KTS014의 이름으로 지역적응시험을 실시하여 2006년에 최종 선발하였다. '흑이슬'은 'King Dela'에 비하여 화방의 과실 착과가 우수하여 화진현상이 낮았다. 발아기는 4월 23일경, 만개기는 6월 9일경이며 수확기는 8월 29일경으로 중생종 품종으로 생각된다. 평균 과립무게는 4.0g이고 당도는 $21.9^{\circ}Brix$이다. 과피색은 과분이 많은 자흑색이고 과육은 단단하다. 착립밀도가 높아 알솎기가 필요 없다. 또한 열과율이 대단히 낮은 특성을 가지고 있다.



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