과학계 박물관의 전시공간구성과 관람객 움직임의 특성(I)

A Study on the Spatial Configuration and Characteristics of Visitors' Movement in Science Museum(I)

  • 투고 : 2011.02.27
  • 심사 : 2011.04.08
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


The premise of this study is that an ultimate objective in planning an exhibition space is visitors' experiences created by a result of their first-hand experiences and responses within an exhibition space, and this result can be recognized in the visitors' movement. Thus, the exhibition layout that can directly affects viewers' main line of flow and movement patterns was examined vis--vis a mutually complementary relation in a triangular composition with the structure of exhibition space and the exhibition contents. This study, with the subjects of standing exhibit halls of Gwacheon National Science Museum, Daejeon National Science Museum, and Tokyo National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, analyzed 'the correlation between the configuration of the exhibition area and the visitors' movement. The targeted subjects were analyzed from the perspectives of type of architectural space and organization of the exhibition method, and the purpose of this study was to find a spatial evidence to predict the spectator movement formed within the exhibition halls of science museums. The main indicators used are: Based on the investigation/analysis as described above, the following conclusion could be drawn. Diversity of exhibition environment and spectator movement: besides the two big categories of the types of architectural space and types of exhibition method, the construction of vertical circulation and size and shape of the exhibition space, distribution characteristics of exhibition medium, organization of symbolic space and such other diverse organizations and combinations of exhibition environment are implied to have the capability to alter the scope and degree of predicting spectator movement. As an example, the types of architectural space comprising the wide-area viewing circulation was found to be able to change the system of planar circulation according to the composition of vertical circulation. Along with this, it was implied that the format of architectural space influences the form of the exhibition space, and may also act as a factor directly influencing the diversity and arrangement of the exhibition methods. That is, the spatial elements comprising the exhibition environment acts inter-complexly, and exhibits characteristics of limiting or controlling spectator movement.



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