현대 건축의 시간성 지각에 관한 연구

A Study on the perception of time in Contemporary Architecture

  • 투고 : 2011.03.28
  • 심사 : 2011.05.06
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


The purpose of this study is to analyse the diagrammatic design approaches and programmatic design approaches in contemporary architecture, so that this reveals the sequential systems of circulation in the space and liberal movement of the visitors in the buildings of those diagrammatic and programmatic architecture. Contemporary architecture generates the new forms and meanings through the dynamic visions and perspectives. Such a variation of sequential vistas and dynamic visions produce a perception of time and a potential movements of axis in the perspective. This study give the systematic body to the relations among visions, movements, sequences, forms, circulations and time. Diagrammatic and programmatic design approaches show the heterogeneous spaces and the informal architectures in contemporary architecture. Therefore, movements of various view points, differrentiations of objects in the perspectives, and multiple view frames appears in the designs of initiative architects. In conclusion, this study systemizes the concepts of time, sequential movements, and perceptions of events in contemporary architecture through the analyse of 18 architectural works of important architects in 2000s. And this shows details of the transitional movement of space and the perception of time in contemporary Architecture. The Being of the active time constructs formal transformations, spacial differentiations, accumulations of human behaviors, and movements of circulations involved with experiences of the field of senses. Therefore, Zeitlichkeit is perceived through concepts of the sequences of those spaces, forms, behaviors, and memories.



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