The purpose of this study is finding the easy way of 4 categories activity level confirmation for estimated energy requirement calculation. Total of 386, 5th and 6th grade primary school students participated. The time spent on 7 kinds of activity were collected for 1 day by the internet program developed. Judged by the activity coefficient, sedentary were 6.7% and 5.1%, low active 33.2% and 40.4%, active 43.8%, and45.5%, and very active 16.3% and 9.0% for boy and girl, respectively. The highest and significant correlation coefficient between activity coefficient and time spent on activities shown were 0.339 in commute activity for boys, and 0.466 in leisure for girls. The sensitivity of the sedentary conformation by commute hour for boys was 0.79, and that of very active was 0.56. The sensitivity of the sedentary conformation by leisure hour for girls was 0.67, and that of very active was 0.63. The sensitivity of low active and active by 7 different types of activity was quite low, 0.04~0.37. The exact agreement of activity level conformed by easy way developed was 30.8% and 33.7%, for boys and girls, respectively. More accurate way to identify 4 categories activity level needs to be developed, especially sensitive to conformation of low active and active levels.