Real-time Estimation and Analysis of Time-based Accessibility and Usability for Ubiquitous Mobile-Web Services

  • Kim, Yung-Bok (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sejong University)
  • Received : 2010.11.17
  • Accepted : 2010.12.28
  • Published : 2011.05.31


Ubiquitous web services have been expanding in various business areas with the evolution of wireless Internet technologies, accessible and usable with a variety of mobile Internet devices such as smart phones. Ubiquitous mobile-web information services can be evaluated for accessibility and usability with the mobile Internet devices interacting with mobile-web information servers. In human mobile-web activity, a web server could be a unified center for mobile-web interaction services as well as for real-time estimation and analysis of mobile-web interaction sessions. We present a real-time estimation and analysis scheme for time-based accessibility and usability in ubiquitous mobile-web services. With real-time estimation/analysis of sessions in a mobile-web server, we estimated the time-based accessibility and usability for comparison between different web services as well as for applications in mobile cloud computing services. We present empirical results based on the implementation of the real-time estimation/analysis scheme.



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