Middle Aged Women's Buying Behavior According to their Lifestyles

중년층 여성의 라이프스타일에 따른 의복구매행동에 관한 연구

  • 최경아 (동덕여자대학교 패션학과) ;
  • 고미경 (동덕여자대학교 패션학과) ;
  • 정성지 (동덕여자대학교 패션학과)
  • Received : 2009.07.22
  • Accepted : 2011.02.14
  • Published : 2011.04.30


This study investigates the buying behavior of apparel by middle aged women according to lifestyles. Questionnaires were distributed to 300 women who lived in the Seoul area and between 40 to 65 years of age. A sample of 248 women responded. To analyze the data, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and a Duncan test were used. As a result, the respondents were clustered into 4 different groups according to lifestyles. The groups included practical oriented group, economic oriented and practical group, active oriented and appearance group, and economic group. Their buying behavior was as follows. First, the active oriented and appearance group shopped at department stores and specialty stores; however, the economic oriented and practical group shopped at discount stores more often than other groups. The practical group shopped more frequently using TV home shopping networks, discount stores, and outlet stores, the economic group shopped at off-price stores, discount stores, and online more than the other groups. Second, the active oriented and appearance group bought classic suits and semi-classic suits, imported brand and/or designer brand apparel more often than other groups. Third, the active oriented and appearance group perceived another person's appearance, advertisement, and shop display as a more important information source than other groups. Forth, the active oriented and appearance group considered design & style, harmony with self-image, brand name, color, and coordination with other clothing as more important selection factors for clothing than other groups. The economic groups considered coordination with other clothing; however, the economic oriented and practical group cited ease of care as more important factors.



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