Since 2008, a communal child care and 'Family Pumasi' program have been conducted as a pilot project for the Healthy Family Support Center. These programs have been positioned as a step toward a family friendly community project. For the Healthy Family Support Centers, a family friendly community project is an essential program as a part of the policies in response to the country's low fertility. However, the people in charge face difficulties, because they do not have much experience in such projects. This study attempted to explore the preferences regarding interior and exterior apartment spaces, and neighborhood environment to provide information about how to better implement a family friendly community program. For this purpose, data were collected from 418 housewives who are apartment dwellers in Daejeon city. The results were as follows; first, the person in charge must consider child care facilities, culture, and sports centers in order to start building a community lifestyle. Second, people with relatively low levels of education and short terms of residence are more deeply motivated by community lifestyle compared to others. Third, families with their first young child showed much interest in communal child care facilities. If the people in charge can motivate and encourage such residents to be engaged in family friendly community projects, the project will effectively progress.