A Research on Premium In-Flight Service by Enhancing Service Quality focusing on K-Airline's Passengers and Cabin Crews

서비스품질 향상을 통한 기내서비스 명품화에 관한 연구 - K항공사 승객과 승무원을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2010.11.25
  • Accepted : 2010.12.30
  • Published : 2011.03.31


This paper tried to research the relationship among the passenger's satisfaction and expectation of in-flight service quality, overall satisfaction and passenger's Loyalty by emphasizing on two groups of passengers and cabin crews from K-airline to find out which service quality area should be focused on for pursuing premium in-flight service. Such six service quality areas as in-flight equipment, food&beverage, duty-free sales, service ability, service image and specialized service were conceived and survey questions were made based on relevant previous researches. The analysis has used the data of 281 passengers and 336 cabin crews from K-airline. According to the analysis, in physical service factors, passengers perceive satisfaction from duty-free sales contributes to overall service satisfaction. However, cabin crews believed in-flight equipment and food&beverage are important to overall service satisfaction. In human service factors, both groups seemed to agree service ability and service image have a positive impact on overall service satisfaction. Among service satisfaction factors, the customer's satisfaction from cabin crew's service ability(service response, professional knowledge and foreign language skill) is also proven to be directly connected to customer loyalty.



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