Laminar Burning Velocities and Flame Stability Analysis of Hydrocarbon/Hydrogen/Carbon Monoxide-air Premixed Flames

탄화수소/수소/일산화탄소-공기의 예혼합화염에서 층류화염전파속도와 화염안정성

  • ;
  • 송원식 (부경대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 박정 (부경대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 이기만 (순천대학교 우주항공공학과)
  • Received : 2011.04.21
  • Accepted : 2011.05.23
  • Published : 2011.06.30


To investigate cell formation in hydrocarbon/hydrogen/carbon monoxide-air premixed flames, the outward propagation and cellular instabilities were experimentally studied in a constant pressure combustion chamber at room temperature and elevated pressures. Unstretched laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of the mixtures were obtained by analyzing high-speed schlieren images. In this study, hydrodynamic and diffusional- thermal instabilities were evaluated to examine their effects on flame instabilities. The experimentally-measured unstretched laminar burning velocities were compared to numerical predictions using the PREMIX code. Effective Lewis numbers of premixed flames with methane addition decreased for all of the cases; meanwhile, effective Lewis numbers with propane addition increased for lean and stoichiometric conditions and increased for rich and stoichiometric cases for hydrogen-enriched flames. With the addition of propane, the propensity for cell formation significantly was diminished, whereas cellular instabilities for hydrogen-enriched flames were promoted. However, similar behavior of cellularity was obtained with the addition of methane to the reactant mixtures.



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