국내 국, 공립 뮤지엄 감시체계에 관한 연구 - 공간구조에 의한 간접감시체계를 중심으로 -

A Study on Surveillance System in Korea's National and Public Museum - Focussed on Indirect Surveillance System in Conjunction with Spatial Structure of Museums -

  • 문정묵 (상명대학교 디자인대학 실내디자인)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.31
  • 심사 : 2011.03.04
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


Modern museums that started from 17th century in Europe have played a role of storage for collections of the upper class as a form of private museum. Since 18th century the publicity has been more emphasized in the society of Europe and there became a public museum that serves as a institution for social education. In addition to this, the mass production that began with the Industrial Revolution relieved the working hour of the public and they started to spend their more time for visiting museums to have social education. In korea there constructed a lot of public museums after economic development and people experienced the social education and the cultural events. However, there raised questions on security issue regarding relic because of growing number of visitors to the museums. Due to this, the museums asked a surveillance system for their relic. But the museums don't have enough research on this nor understanding the current situation. Because the relic in museums of history has a money value, the anti-theft system is more focussed. In addition to the direct surveillance system with staff or closed-circuit television(CCTV), the indirected system with visitor's mutual surveillance in conjunction with spatial structure has to be researched. This study is to understand the relationship between surveillance system and spatial structure with reference to korea's national and public museum of history. With the results of the research, the study provides a planning guideline to the museum architecture to prevent security problem.



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