CASPER: Congestion Aware Selection of Path with Efficient Routing in Multimedia Networks

  • Obaidat, Mohammad S. (Department of CS & SE, Monmouth University) ;
  • Dhurandher, Sanjay K. (CAITFS, Division of Information Technology, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, University of Delhi) ;
  • Diwakar, Khushboo (CAITFS, Division of Information Technology, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, University of Delhi)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.13
  • 심사 : 2011.05.15
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


In earlier days, most of the data carried on communication networks was textual data requiring limited bandwidth. With the rise of multimedia and network technologies, the bandwidth requirements of data have increased considerably. If a network link at any time is not able to meet the minimum bandwidth requirement of data, data transmission at that path becomes difficult, which leads to network congestion. This causes delay in data transmission and might also lead to packet drops in the network. The retransmission of these lost packets would aggravate the situation and jam the network. In this paper, we aim at providing a solution to the problem of network congestion in mobile ad hoc networks [1, 2] by designing a protocol that performs routing intelligently and minimizes the delay in data transmission. Our Objective is to move the traffic away from the shortest path obtained by a suitable shortest path calculation algorithm to a less congested path so as to minimize the number of packet drops during data transmission and to avoid unnecessary delay. For this we have proposed a protocol named as Congestion Aware Selection Of Path With Efficient Routing (CASPER). Here, a router runs the shortest path algorithm after pruning those links that violate a given set of constraints. The proposed protocol has been compared with two link state protocols namely, OSPF [3, 4] and OLSR [5, 6, 7, 8].The results achieved show that our protocol performs better in terms of network throughput and transmission delay in case of bulky data transmission.



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  2. A Signature-Based Data Security Technique for Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks vol.10, pp.1, 2014,
  3. A collaborative routing protocol against routing disruptions in MANETs vol.17, pp.5, 2013,